Most of my work ends up on corporate intranets or in apps not intended for a general audience, but here is some stuff that I can show off. A more complete but less organized list of my open source work can be found on github
JS app development
Development tools for node / angular / react
React Sortable Section List
(WIP) A performant sortable section list component for React and React Native
React Native Web Components
Seamlessly use html react components in react-native apps
CodeDeploy Scripts
AWS CodeDeploy lifecycle scripts using ES6 to deploy a node app to EC2
Browserify Build Status
Display browserify build status on the output page.
A simple npm package to load environment variables from a .env file
Angular Directive Builder
Tools for building angular directives as es6 modules
An app framework based on Angular
Path Game
A puzzle game with randomly generated rules built in React
Git utils and apps that connect to a git server
UI Components
Some reusable angular directives
A basic slider directive for angular
Plainish Text
An angular directive for editing text with some formatting but not much.
Stuff to make working with SharePoint less painful
Mobile app development tools
A tool to take the pain out of developing and updating cordova plugins. Intended to work like npm link, you can edit plugin code either in the plugin development folder or in the app xcode project, and changes will be updated in both places.
Native Nav
Cordova plugin for native title bars, tab bars, keyboard handling etc.
Code Quality
Testing and linting tools
Mocha Visual Test
Run browser based mocha/chai tests in PhantomJS, take screenshots and compare with previous test runs for automated visual regression testing.